Saturday, 26 October 2013

Big Walk

Pouring with rain. Practically flooding. And where am I ... at a fun walk. Not something anyone would expect from ME.
I walked a bit but the crowd was getting to me. So the first chance I got I set foot. My poor Nike's wished they were waterproof. There were deep puddles everywhere.
Got some nasty comments along the way coz I was running. And got hugely slated for my outfit.  Pffft at least I was dry.
Got my medal. Booojah. Added to my collection.


Got last minute word on a fun run 18 October and entered day before. The new running buddies were so awesome. Lovely people. Took a bit of strain as there were quite a few up and down hills. But still managed to keep my normal time of 30mins for 5km.
Had some nasty people to avoid which put a damper on the run but just long enough to push ahead. LOL!

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Oh boy

So over the weekend I got the bee in my bonnet to gut a depressing room and turn it into a home gym. I thought the project was going to be too big as I'm insanely busy. But I took two afternoons and it was done. Repainted and all.
We have so much equipment but it was shoved in garage. I'm so happy we finally have what I've dreamed of. Now just for some inspirational posters and then to use it. Haha.
All in good time to as fate would have it. This mornings training was met by - We all doing summer challenge so are you!
Uhm ok do I have to.
Yes you wanna lose weight dont you?
Talk about blackmail. Measurements and all taken. Goal set. Then I messaged later to say there's no way I can manage that high goal. LOL!
THEN I had a major flat afternoon coupled with numbing headache.
Chip n Dip Lemon Twist Donuts for dinner. Major fail. I suppose I'm trying to fail before I even begin as I really don't want another challenge on my plate. I just want my holiday to come. NOW!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Us. Women. We are ALWAYS so hard on ourselves. The easiest thing for us is to find fault. Always tell our friends there's no need to nitpic at their bodies as we think they are gorgeous. But we don't listen to that ourselves. And rarely take compliments well.
I've been blessed with getting tons of compliments lately. I can acknowledge that my body looks better than beginning of year but within I feel like I'm no where near where I want to be to warrant getting these compliments. 
I sure as hell am not eating 100% clean. Which in turn makes me angry coz I could have been so much further.
No matter which battles we are each fighting we all have this one enemy in common - OURSELVES!