Saturday, 16 January 2016

Huge crashy crashy

So of course. Shortly after "no crashy crashy" I had/have/having a huge breakdown.
Wednesday was suppose to be a special day. Hubby and I got tattoos. But my foot one was extremely painful and I think I was starting to crash before even getting out of bed. No amount of sugary drinks helped get some pep. While hubby was getting his I really went downhill. Chest tightness, tummy ache, burning eyes, yawning constantly. ... all tell tale signs.
Then for the next 48hours it was hell on earth. Was naive to volunteer to take in a mommy dog with eight tiny pups. She was aggressive to other dogs and human needy and did not want to spend time with her brood.  I was so relieved when I could take them to their new foster home. But it was just another sign that I cannot handle much. As much as I wanted to enjoy the experience it was physically damaging and emotionally draining.
Then just when I think a twelve hour stint of bed rest would do the trick......noooooo I start catching up with neglected house chores become resentful and have a major meltdown fight with hubby. This emotional crying thing is still new to me. While being on meds I could have wobbly's but they went away quickly and without tears. I'm seriously considering going back on. This shit is shit!
Am so confused and frustrated.  It's a horrible space I find myself in. And when my mind is deliriously tired it refuses to fight over matter...


Your thoughts are welcomed!