The cravings and demotivation hit hard the last two days and I waivered from my strict albeit satisfying enough diet. It's been a really tough week with hubby's father taken to hospital and hubby hardly being home. When he is home 24/7 I wish for some peace and quiet and darkness so I can sleep better and the minute I know he will be gone all night I cannot sleep. Ugh! Typical.
Yesterday I had normal Health Bread instead of Rye and had two blocks of dark Lindt Blueberry, oh and oooops a protein powder milkshake with real ice cream. I am sure they are the culprits for my intense headache and all over body ache this morning. It will take intense convincing to go weight training at gym just now. It's not my favourite workout either so i usually have to phsyc myself up anyways.
BUT as the image below says so wisely....I am blessed!
Sorry about the last 2 tough days, but well done for staying strong and not giving in to the really bad stuff. Hope your strength session went alright! Big hugs