My Struggle is Real....To ME! Here's the uncensored truth....
On the eve of my 37th birthday - 11.11.2015 - I felt like I was having a mid
life crisis. I can only liken the feeling to being a beaten stray dog trapped
in a dark corner with a figure approaching not knowing if the hand reaching out
is friend or foe. Questioning everything and everyone. Which is typical for
my nature but I felt panicked with nowhere to turn. I had recently been let
down by professionals that I invested much time, money and self into. I was put
into a "bipolar type 2" box (second time hearing this) and sent on my
way to "research" (second time too) and "think about"
committing to intense weekly psychology and monthly psychiatrist therapy,
medications etc etc. Literally I was told only call back when you have decided.
Like it's not serious enough for me to "chat" to you next week but
it's serious enough for intense therapy. So I said stuff you, I do not fit into
THAT box and this is where I began my own journey with ME, Myself and I.
What's the definition of insanity....doing the same thing
over and over expecting different results. Well I've done therapy for the last
20 years with at least 8 - 12 different pro's over that time, with various meds
and supplements and so on! Chiro, Accupressure, BSR therapy, Homeopath, Massage and who can even remember it all. ENOUGH!
I've felt this deep need to share my journey. Worldwide the
campaign is #shattertheshame and it's so appropriate. I've been hiding myself
for many years. Faking it, putting a mask on when I am out there, pasting on a
smile. I was ashamed.
Here's what I identify with during my research:
Generalised anxiety disorder - characterized by excessive
anxiety and worry about a number of different events or activities
Panic attack - are sudden and intense surges of fear or
anxiety that go together with physical symptoms
Separation anxiety disorder - characterised by an excessive
fear or worry relating to separation from home or attachment figure
Social phobia - characterised by an intense fear or anxiety
of social situations in which the individual feels they may be criticised or
Depressive disorder - characterised by a pervasive and
persistent low mood that is accompanied by low self-esteem and by a loss of
interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. It is also accompanied
by a number of physical and mental changes that have a negative effect on an
individual's functionality.
Binge eating disorder - recurring episodes in which an
individual eats a great deal more than most. Feeling a loss of control during
an episode on what or how much they eat. Feel unable to stop once started.
Post traumatic stress disorder - specific mental and
emotional symptoms develop after being exposed to one or more traumatic events
Chronic fatigue syndrome - flu like condition that can drain
energy and last for years
and throw in a bit of OCD, Sugar addiction and a large dose
of Scorpio for good measure!
Here are the symptoms I deal with:
- loss of memory or concentration
- unexplained muscle soreness
- joint pain without swelling
- headaches
- sleep disturbance
- extreme exhaustion lasting more than 24 hours after
physical or mental exercise
- abdominal pains
- sensitive to light and noise and cold
- bloating
- chest pain
- dizziness, balance issue
- dry mouth, always thirsty
- earache and sensitive to wind
- jaw pain
- morning stiffness
- night sweats
- episodes of unexplained irritability, hopelessness and
suicide feelings
- binge eating till I feel sick, as bad as sitting in my car
in the parking lot with a spoon and a cake
- afraid to make appointments
- avoid talking over the phone
- some days just taking a shower is exhausting enough to get
back into bed
- only arrange one activity a day as I fear I will not make
the whole day, some days are better than others, however some days where I have
been busy from 9am - 3pm I have crashed in a ugly way
- driving at night or around certain areas is scary so I
avoid it
- my house has to be in a certain state with things in its
place otherwise I feel uncomfortable
- sometimes I cannot handle normal daily challenges like a
dog peeing on the floor or the car won't start
- the tiredness I feel is painful, my eyes glaze over, body
hurts, near to tears
- I'm afraid to socialize as my memory is so bad I fear I
have nothing to talk about which enforces my fear of rejection and criticism
- I have started "talking" with my hands as I want
people to look at my hands rather than my eyes coz my eyes glance upwards to my
left as my brain works hard to retrieve information
- I find it hard often to find words.......................................................
I largely also feel guilty, as I have such a wonderful life
and there are so many people out there with so much less, why can I not just be
"normal" and enjoy the blessings I have. But I have to accept that
there is something amiss. It's debilitating. It has gotten progressively worse,
even on medication. Which is why I weaned off SSRI meds over the 3 months under GP supervision, to see what life is like without them.
There are other options waiting if I feel I cannot cope at all, but honestly
except for a handful of high emotion episodes (I can now cry wet tears not just
internal tears) I have felt no difference.
I put onto Facebook my November mission was to reconnect
with people on a personal level, not just hiding behind my pc using FB as my
enabling tool. This is part of my journey of "coming out"
I don't "need" people to know so that they feel sorry
for me, I want people to know so that it helps me heal, that I don't feel paranoid
about what on earth must my friends think of me - oh gosh my eyes are shooting
upwards again they gonna think I don't want to talk to them, I'm yawning
uncontrollably they must think they are boring me, that I forget something
important and you think I'm a bad friend, avoid social gatherings so you stop
inviting me..............................
It's gonna
take a village and one step at a time.
My SELF-therapy process will include - color therapy (fancy
word for colouring in pages), horse riding, gym, photography, reconnecting with
friends, walking with my dogs, eating wholesome food, gardening, swimming, running, yoga, fun
adventures, sleep, reading......
~Inhale the good shit. Exhale the bull shit!~
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