Thursday, 8 August 2013

Look up Buttercup

I have been so down to the ground lately. Feeling sad angry frustrated tired. Probably literally shoulders slumped head down. Blinkers on. Rushing through the days like a machine just trying to get things done. Forgetting about ME, about all I have to be grateful for, all the happy moments I'm missing out on.
Stressing about every little thing.....I could carry on and on!
Enough is enough. Yes things are complicated and tough but I have a choice how to react to it. I want to smile. I want to breathe. Make time for ME and my friends.
So I'm not stressing about my eating and training anymore. I am doing more than most.
Making time to look pretty and for maintenance appointments.
Reminding myself of how far I have come.
So look up and smile. Be loud and proud. I am woman hear me roar. LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Love the sound of this post. Please print it out and put it on your fridge so that you can remember this decision :-)
    Have a stunning week, my friend xx


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